
ECLECTIC RANT: Amy Coney Barrett is No Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ralph E. Stone
Sunday September 27, 2020 - 05:28:00 PM

Trump has nominated Seventh Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg as justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Senate vetting process must include an exploration of her membership in the People of Praise, a charismatic Christian group with a highly authoritarian internal structure and known for the submissive role played by women, some of whom were called handmaids.” Remember Margaret Atwoods book The Handmaids Tale? Pope Francis has warned such groups against the temptation of usurping individual freedom” of their members. 

Coral Anika Theill, a former People of Praise member, calls the group a cult and has been strongly critical of the group. She suffered abuse and torture” while a member stating in an interview that women are expected to be completely obedient to men and independent thinkers are humiliated, interrogated, shamed and shunned.” In 2003, Theill wrote a book — Bonsheá: Making Light of the Dark — about her experience. 

Judge Barrett is certainly no RBG, who was a leading voice for gender equality, women's interests, and civil rights and liberties. Trumps nomination of Judge Barrett dishonors RBG's memory and ignores her "most fervent wish” that she not be replaced until a new president is installed. 

At issue is Judge Barretts independence as a Supreme Court justice at this critical time. Will Judge Barrett loyalty to People of Praise supersede her oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States? And has Judge Barrett pledged loyalty to Trump? These are legitimate lines of inquiry for Senators.