Public Comment

New: Is Barr about to charge Trump with Sedition?

Jagjit Singh
Monday September 28, 2020 - 01:51:00 PM

Frustrated by peaceful demonstrators marching up and down the streets of Seattle, Attorney General William Barr threatened to bring charges against the mayor of Seattle for allowing a police-free protest zone. Infected by his close proximity to the Trump virus, Barr seems have lost all his objectivity. This once highly respected lawyer seems to be on a downward spiral of moral decay. His ascendancy in Trump’s inner circle has been quite remarkable. He is now the undisputed chief of the swamp discharged with the task of crowning his lard and master “king for life.”  

Sadly, Barr seems to have a very selective memory. I seem to recall “tough guy” Trump threatening a protester who tried to storm the stage in Kansas, with physical violence. "I'll beat the crap out of you," he snarled. He then lamented "Part of the problem ... is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore." 

Barr even threatened to charge peaceful protestors, with sedition adding momentum to autocratic rule. Many of the country’s leading attorneys denounced Barr’s comments but few would go public fearing retribution raising concerns of a hostile takeover of our democracy. 

Abandoning all presence of objectivity, Barr noted that the Supreme Court had determined that the executive branch had “virtually unchecked discretion,” providing legal cover to the criminal enterprise of Trump Inc. I wonder if this absolves him of the needless death of 200,000 Americans to Coronavirus.