Public Comment

“Winner take all” is undemocratic

Tejinder Uberoi
Sunday November 08, 2020 - 03:27:00 PM

It’s time to end the “stone age” electoral system. Ratification is likely to be difficult but perhaps our lawmakers could craft a national referendum modelled on BREXIT. 

In the near term, a simple tweak of the existing system would produce a system more closely aligned with the wishes of future voters. A simple amendment would require each state to divide its electoral vote proportionately between the two leading candidates. For example, if a state has 10 electoral votes, the two leading candidates would be assigned a percentage based on the votes they have garnered. In this simple example, if 60% of voters cast their ballots for candidate A and 40% voted for candidate B, A would receive 6 electoral votes NOT 10 under the current skewed system. A “winner take all” is undemocratic and should be tossed in the dustbin of history.