
Alameda County Count Continues

Rob Wrenn
Tuesday November 10, 2020 - 10:13:00 PM

The county sales tax measure. Measure W, is now losing: NO -349.649; YES- 348,653, a margin of only 996 votes countywide. The margin for YES had been gradually shrinking. Today’s update does not change the outcome of any local Berkeley race. 

Turnout countywide is up to 79.19% of a record number of registered voters, a higher turnout than in 2016. Probably about 60,000 votes have been counted in Berkeley so the county must be nearing the end of the count of Berkeley and countywide ballots. On Thursday, the Registrar is selecting batches for 1% manual tally which is set to take place on Monday Nov 16. Precinct results should be available a day or two after that, though, with Covid, they may not keep to their usual schedule. 

Tuesday’s updated numbers here: https://www.acgov.org/rovresults/241/indexA.htm