Public Comment

Trump’s Lust for Killing

Tejinder Uberoih
Friday December 04, 2020 - 03:58:00 PM

Following his monumental failure to protect the American people from the deadly Coronavirus, DJT has turned his attention to America’s most vulnerable population, people on death row who now face a firing squad, poison gas, or the electric chair to end their lives. It is baffling why a firing squad is needed is still needed to kill a single person. 

Under a new rule filed by Attorney General Darth Vader, William Barr now offers a tantalizing choice of methods can to carry out executions for federal death sentences in addition to lethal injection. DJT’s lust for killing during the lame duck period is unprecedented. 

This comes as the Trump administration has already executed eight people in the past five months. Well done sir, ievangelicals, and Jesus must be so happy. 

The Death Penalty Information Center reports it’s been more than a century since a federal execution was conducted during a lame-duck presidency, in 1889, during the outgoing administration of Grover Cleveland. 

Sister Helen described the planned executions as the most grotesque federal sponsored murders in US history. 

President-elect Joe Biden said during the election campaign he now supports eliminating the federal death penalty which is a welcome change from1990 Biden who authored legislation that expanded the federal death penalty. Let’s offer him a very short honeymoon before we demand he live up to his more enlightened pledge. 

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