Public Comment

Who's a Socialist Now?"

Stu Epstein, Rochester, NY
Saturday December 19, 2020 - 03:12:00 PM

I don't understand why nationally-known Democrats haven't simply taught the American people what the difference is between a "Social Democrat"and a "Socialist"? It is so simple---A social democrat wants to keep our market-based capitalist economic system but wants to have a lot of federal government social programs to help the people--A socialist wants to abolish capitalism and have a socialist economy. What is so hard to understand about this? They are not the same thing. 

How can someone be a socialist when they want to keep capitalism? 

And, if supporting a social program such as Social Security makes someone a socialist, then that would make Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and President Kennedy socialists. Really? With that line of thinking, most conservative-Republicans are socialists. 

It is so simple--to be a socialist you have to want to have a socialist economy, not a capitalist economy. Who has said that they want to abolish our capitalist economy and replace it with a socialist economy? NO ONE has---NOT Joe Biden. NOT Bernie Sanders, NOT AOC. What is not to understand? 

It is simply ridiculous to claim that anyone and everyone who is to the political "left-of-center" is somehow some kind of a socialist or communist or Marxist or radical-leftist.