
Celebrate the Solstice on Monday, December 21

Gar Smith
Sunday December 20, 2020 - 10:47:00 PM

A short and timely item, if it's not too late.

Celebrate the Solstice on Monday, December 21. Curious about the Winter Solstice? Your questions may be answered, thanks to a Monday webcast set to run from 4pm until sunset (or so). Alan Gould, a Lawrence Hall of Science leader of Winter Solstice Gatherings, will host a free, public zoom event to commemorate the advent of winter. There will be demonstrations of hands-on projects relating to the astronomy of seasons followed by an exploration of solstice celebrations around the world. To join ithis free event, follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5108484466?pwd=QlpnNFhFSlhvZW41bU5OZGt0eE11UT09

Monday, December


4 pm