The Week



Updated: More COVID vaccinations now available.

Friday February 05, 2021 - 10:09:00 AM

UPDATE: As of 10 a.m. this morning varying numbers of appointments for Berkeley residents COVID vaccinations are available at the Curative Inc. site at the Golden Gate Fields parking lot. -more-

Updated: More Vaccine Doses on the Way

Thursday February 04, 2021 - 05:24:00 PM

UPDATE, 9:30 pm, Feb.4: Curative Inc. is offering a total of 336 vaccination appointments on Friday and Saturday.

A Berkeley source reports that the city has now acquired several thousand additional doses, so anyone who hasn't gotten an appointment should keep trying. . However at press time there are no Sunday or Monday appointment slots on the web site. -more-

Flash: Berkeley Vaccine Appointments Are Gone

Thursday February 04, 2021 - 10:49:00 AM

Unfortunately, as of 10:45 today the website map maintained by Curative Inc shows that they have no more appointments for seniors over 75 to get CORVID-19 vaccinations in cars at a Golden Gate Fields parking lot. The site was only accessible to those able to register online with computers or smart phones and had automobiles. No provision has been made for those who are not online or for those who have no way to get there (except for disabled people who were offered transport by the Easy Does It agency for $15.) -more-

City of Berkeley Offers a Few Covid-19 Vaccinations: Feb. 5-8

Councilmember Kate Harrison
Wednesday February 03, 2021 - 10:55:00 PM

The City of Berkeley has a limited number of COVID vaccine appointments for Berkeley residents over 75 available this weekend. Sign up at More details, including how to arrange for transportation to an appointment, are below in the City of Berkeley press release.

[Editor's Note: The Curative website shows on only 1 slot on Friday and 7 on Saturday as of 11 p.m. on Feb. 3, with a total of 406 remaining slots over 4 days. There is apparently no provision for seniors without online access to sign up for slots.]

COVID-19 Vaccine appointments available for those 75 and over: Feb. 5-8 Drive-through site coordinated by City of Berkeley

Berkeley and Alameda County residents who are at least 75 years of age can sign up for one of a limited set of drive-through COVID-19 vaccination appointments starting on Friday Feb. 5.

These vaccinations, which are being coordinated by the City of Berkeley at a site in Albany, align with state guidelines and target the ages most vulnerable to hospitalization and death as a result of COVID-19 disease.

These appointment-only vaccinations are available for people seeking their first dose. Curative Inc., the vendor, will add those with appointments into their notification system for second appointments.

The vaccinations will take place Feb. 5 through Monday Feb. 8 at the site, which is at the foot of Buchanan Street near the Albany Bulb. Make your appointments online:

COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment Form, Friday Feb. 5 – 8.

This form will ask you for basic demographic information to confirm your eligibility for an appointment. You will receive a confirmation email with the date and time of your appointment.

Transport option for Berkeley seniors, disabled

For Berkeley residents who need physical assistance with mobility to get to the site, a ride service supported by the City can help some people get to their appointments for a $15 fee.

Once you have an appointment time, check your eligibility, register for services, and schedule a ride by contacting Easy Does It at 510-704-2111.

Easy Does It will ask health screening questions to ensure the rider safety and the safety of the driver. Personal protective equipment is worn by drivers, and face coverings are required of riders.

Read the full press release at: -more-

Our $600 Stimulus Check—Another Rip Off in Action

Margot Smith
Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 12:17:00 PM

An ordinary envelope, like many ads I get in the mail, arrived at my door. On opening it, here is a credit card with my name on it. Is this a scam? NO! It is my $600 stimulus money from Mr. Trump’s treasury department.

The five pages of enclosed instructions in English told me that I must call a number to activate it, I cannot give it to anyone else, that I can use it in an ATM, and fees will be charged for using it. It costs $5 for a Bank Teller Over-the-Counter Cash Withdrawal, plus $2 for ATM withdrawals and $.25 for a balance inquiry on an ATM that is not an ALLPOINT brand—whomever heard of that one?

And if you do not speak English,

“Translations of this Agreement that may have been provided are for your convenience only and may not accurately reflect the original English meaning. The meanings of terms, conditions, and representations herein are subject to definitions and interpretations in the English language.”

This appears to have been issued by MetaBank®,

“Your Economic Impact Payment Card (EIP Card) contains the money you are receiving under the COVID-related Tax Relief Act of 2020 or the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The EIP Card is sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service as part of the US Debit Card Program. Now that you’ve received your Card, here’s how to activate and start using it.”


Who receives interest on the funds until the cards are cashed?

Who keeps the money that is not cashed?

Whose pockets were lined?

If you have a problem, you cannot sue but must go to arbitration.

What are your chances of winning in arbitration? Guess. -more-

California Teachers' Union Wants Schools in Purple Counties to Stay Closed for 100 Days, Vaccinations for Staff

Diana Lambert, EdSource, BCNPartner
Monday February 01, 2021 - 09:22:00 PM

The California Teachers Association has told Governor Gavin Newsom that the union wants schools in counties with high Covid-19 infection rates to remain in distance learning for 100 days so the state can develop a more aggressive plan to slow the spread of the virus and have all school staff vaccinated.

"We need a clear and coordinated state, county and local plan that puts the health and safety of our communities first and does not take shortcuts toward the path of opening schools in person," union leaders stated in a letter Wednesday to Newsom . "To do otherwise will continue the 'yo-yo' effect we warned of last summer and this fall -- opening schools, only to then close them because we failed to have the necessary layered protections and asymptomatic testing in place."

To make that happen, the union is asking the governor to keep all schools in counties in the purple, or widespread, tier of the state's tracking system in distance learning during the 100-day period. Counties in that tier have more than seven cases per 100,000 residents or have more than 8% of test results positive over a seven-day period. -more-

Monday Feb. 1, 3pm: Defend the Landmarks and Design Review Commissions

Sunday January 31, 2021 - 09:47:00 PM

On Monday starting at 3pm, please dial into the City Council's Agenda Committee meeting to defend two valuable City advisory commissions. The Zoom info is in the agenda packet:
The only agenda item is a proposal by extreme pro-growth Councilmembers to kill off the Design Review Commission, and possibly the Landmarks Commission, too. These are two of the primary venues for citizens to block berserk developments. See pages 11-13 of the agenda (PDF page numbering).
Please ask the Committee members either to reject this whole item, or to NOT advance anything to the full Council that includes any options about killing the Design Review or Landmarks Commission. A few (among many) arguments for saving these two valuable commissions:
  • Both commissions help the city grow smartly – without destroying Berkeley's history and heritage, or repeating the cheaply built tilt-up's of the 1960s, or building high-rise concrete prisons like European cities' notorious suburbs.
  • Whatever the cost in staff time, it's a deal. Commissioners volunteer multiples of that value, contributing expertise and effort that staff and elected officials lack. They help ensure a livable city, and prevent bad development, and protect the City against potential liability for bad decisions. They also handle complex decisions, which take a lot of time – relieving Councilmembers and their staff of this burden.
  • If cost were really an issue, Commissioners could do more on their own, with less staff time.
  • But the sponsors' language around efficiency and saving the City money is palpably false. (Really, they're just gunning for these two specific commissions.) Rarely in recent memory has the Council actively tried to save residents money, and the public doesn't seem to mind this expansive approach to City government. Last fall, the public endorsed every new tax the Council put on the ballot.
  • Last fall, the Council itself switched City power purchases to the most-expensive plan available – EBCE's "Renewable 100" – costing taxpayers an excess $95,000/year. They also authorized the City Manager to switch individual ratepayers to this broken plan. They could have picked an equally green plan – PG&E Solar Choice – and instead saved taxpayers tens of thousands of $/year. And the $95K/year the Council wasted just about equals the total annual staff time for both Commissions targeted in this proposal. But, by comparison, this $95K/year surcharge gives residents zero value.
  • If the City government really needs to save money post-pandemic, there are lots of places to cut – that power bill is just one example. The very last place to cut should be venues that maximize public participation in government, and promote better decisionmaking. After a year of strenuous (and sometimes violent) national attacks on democracy, Berkeley of all places should be strengthening – not destroying – its democratic institutions.

A Berkeley Activist's Diary

Kelly Hammargren
Sunday January 31, 2021 - 01:14:00 PM

My last note from the book How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt is, “Democracy is a shared enterprise.” Haven’t we learned that over the last four years (and some of us would say over the last twelve)? We can’t just vote and then tune out, of course. Most of us were unable to tune out during the last four years with Trump continually sucking up media attention, news banners, notes filling our email boxes, social media posts and endless worrisome conversations with friends and family. It is nice to have a break, but even now that brief peace seems to be slipping away. And all of this brings me to this week’s summary of what happened and a bit of what is ahead.

Democracy is a shared enterprise” is not just for national politics it is for local city politics too. If we don’t watch and participate, the hope of affordable housing at the BART station projects will slip away. Look at this coming week’s Measure O Bond Oversight Committee Special meeting at 6 pm on Wednesday: -more-


Public Comment

End the Filibuster

Bruce Joffe
Saturday January 30, 2021 - 03:39:00 PM

Now that the Democrats have control of both houses of Congress, citizens have high expectations that Dems must do what is necessary to solve the many crises we have been left with, after too many years of Republican control. To avoid the mistake from Obama's presidency, the FILIBUSTER MUST BE ENDED.

If the 60% supermajority filibuster remains, trump's Republicans will assure gridlock. Democrats must not make the mistake of playing defense - worrying about what happens if Republicans regain the Senate in 2022 without the filibuster in place. Now they have a majority; NOW is the time to play offense.

Majority rule is 50% plus one. 60% is flat-out undemocratic. Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 22, that a supermajority is poison. Rather than encourage cooperation, the filibuster "substitutes the pleasure, caprice or artifices of a minority for the regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority."

Contact your Senators and especially, Senator Joe Manchin, NOW! -more-

Putin’s nemesis, Aleksei Navalny

Tejinder Uberoi
Saturday January 30, 2021 - 03:31:00 PM

What an incredible brave man. Having narrowly escaped death by a deadly Russian poison, Aleksei Navalny decided to return to Moscow with full knowledge that he would be immediately detained by Kremlin police, face physical abuse or possible death.

Navalny must have been acutely aware that there was little chance of overthrowing the “president for life” Putin militarily. He must have realized that despotic regimes can only be demolished using the moral force of truth.

All positive changes in the world are made by uncommon men of enormous courage like Nelson Mandela who humbled South Africa’s apartheid or Gandhi and brave Sikhs slaughtered by British General Dyer who forced “the sun to set” on the former British empire. Soviet human rights stalwarts Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Natan Sharansky accelerated the demise of the former Soviet Union. Their efforts were reinforced by Lech Walesa of Poland and Vaclav Havel of Czechoslovakia. -more-


THE PUBLIC EYE: Republicans in the Biden Era

Bob Burnett
Saturday January 30, 2021 - 03:22:00 PM

The Biden era begins with Democrats narrowly in control of Congress. Some actions can be taken without Republican support. Nonetheless, big change requires the votes of at least a few Republicans. How likely is this?

To answer this question, it's necessary to dissect the current political environment. In the 2020 presidential-election exit polls: 37 percent of respondents identified as Democrats, 36 percent identified as Republicans, and 26 percent as Independents. (94 percent of Democrats voted for Biden and 94 percent of Republicans voted for Trump; 54 percent of Independents voted for Biden.)

In the presidential election, Trump had the support of 94 percent of Republicans. Of the 158 million voters, 57 million were Republicans voting for Trump -- 34 percent of all voters. -more-

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: The Deadliness of Relapsing

Jack Bragen
Saturday January 30, 2021 - 03:25:00 PM

In the past decade and especially in the time of COVID-19 and having had Trump as a recent President--one who continues to influence and ruin the U.S., times have changed, and society has changed. There are a lot more pitfalls built into society, and many of them can cause death. There is not nearly as much forgiveness in the American environment, of behaviors of which people can't make sense. This is despite the surge in racism, in violence, and in other lawlessness in the name of reactionary conservatism, behaviors that people seem to get away with even though being mentally ill and acting inexplicably gets you in trouble. -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces

Gar Smith
Saturday January 30, 2021 - 03:28:00 PM

Change is really happening in Washington! "Sleepy Joe" Biden has been displaying an alert and affirmative presence that has elevated him to the status of Dream President. Under Der Trump, the phrase "Executive Action" came to mean "regressive, mean-spirited, poverty-promoting, and planet-polluting." Under Biden's pen, the EA-signing ceremonies have become liberating, inspiring, and cause for celebration.

On his first day, Biden hit the ground running (his injured, booted foot apparently healed) and he's been gaining ground with every hour and Oval Office press-op. If he hasn't already set a record for the greatest number of campaign promises kept, he soon will.

In addition to decreeing major reversals of the previous Misadministration's despicable rulings on the environment, public health, and military sales to dictators, Biden is also taking the lead in one of the Democrat's most ambitious—and most needed—challenges: reforming the US Electoral System.

In a sane world, this initiative would unit both parties—including not just those American's who cheer the policies of Obama, FDR, and MLK but all those alienated Trumpublicans who continue to believe the canard that the last US election was rigged. -more-

Arts & Events

The Berkeley Activist's Calendar, Jan.31-Feb.7

Kelly Hammargren, Sustainable Berkeley Coalition
Saturday January 30, 2021 - 03:11:00 PM

Worth Noting:

The count of noticed City meetings is 13 and community meetings is 2.

The most consequential meeting of the coming week is the special Council Agenda and Rules Committee meeting at 3 pm on Monday where the discussion, recommendations and action will revolve around the proposal from Councilmember Droste with Co-Sponsors Robinson and Kesarwani to reduce and reorganize the number of commissions. The 14 page proposal can be accessed using the meeting link posted below with the meeting announcement.

Officer elections for all the commissions are held in February (or first meeting thereafter)

The agenda highlights and links for the February 9 Regular City Council meeting follow the weekly calendar. -more-