Public Comment

Kill the Filibuster

Tejinder Uberoi
Monday March 22, 2021 - 12:16:00 PM

The Republican minority in the Senate seems determined to use the anti-democratic filibuster to block all Democratic legislation. The filibuster is not enshrined in the U.S Constitution. It could be easily be eliminated by a simple majority vote in the Senate. 

This is especially important given the Republicans have silently admitted they have failed to persuade voters on important legislators matters. The only way forward is to install barriers restricting voter rights, in states containing predominately people of color. At least 253 laws in 43 states have been enacted to restrict voter rights. It is certain that extreme gerrymandering in Republican-controlled states will enhance voter suppression. Eliminating the filibuster has never therefore been more urgent. This insidious practice has long empowered white supremacists to protect and extend slavery and segregation. When Congress was founded the House and Senate required a simple majority to pass a bill. 

The filibuster has its roots in anti-democratic witchcraft. It order to protect Vice President Aaron Burr, facing murder charges for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel Burr suggested the Senate skip its “previous question” rule, creating a fatal loophole in Senate procedures, ultimately allowing the minority party to obstruct progress by endlessly extending debate h what was later dubbed the filibuster. Decades ago, former Louisiana Senator Huey Long, in an attempt to block a confirmation, recited salad dressing and oyster recipes during a 15-and-a-half-hour filibuster. 

Former South Carolina racist Senator Strom Thurmond used a sauna to dehydrate himself so he wouldn't have to use the bathroom, allowing him to speak for more than 24 hours straight during a filibuster intended to stop the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Do we really need to continue this anti-democratic pantomime? We, the taxpayers pay our legislators an excellent salary with great benefits to advance the needs of the American people and the world at large. It is time to toss the legislator buster in the dustbin of history, Please call your senators and demand action,- kill the filibuster!