Public Comment

The US Military’s Bloated Budget

Jagjit Singh
Sunday April 04, 2021 - 12:48:00 PM

While our politicians continue their routine diatribe against the Chinese military threat, a recent report revealed the United States has nearly 20 times the number of nuclear warheads than China. It dwarfs China’s tonnage of warships at sea including 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers compared to China’s less sophisticated, two. It has 2,000 modern jet fighters than China’s 600. The US deploys its vast military power across some 800 overseas bases compared to China’s three. The US triples China’s military budget of $250 billion.

The former British colonial power adopted a two-tier standard at the height of its power when it ruled a quarter of the world’s population. The government mandated that its Royal Navy had to be twice as large as its next two competitors to ensure dominance at sea.

U.S. military spending remains larger than the next 10 countries combined, six of which are close American allies. Makes sense? America's intelligence budget alone around $85 billion, is much larger than Russia's total defense spending and has a long history of insidious, destabilizing covert operations.

So what does America show for its outsize military spending? It suffered a humiliating defeat in Vietnam poisoned Vietnam, and neighboring Laos and Cambodia with millions of gallons of the dioxin, Agent Orange and littered the landscape with landmines. Unexploded ordinances are the major cause of devastating injuries to children. Multi-general birth defects have occurred in all three countries. The US offered no apologizes or reparations. Many US vets complained of serious illnesses returning home from Vietnam.
Vice-President Cheney and his “junior partner”, President GW Bush “the decider” invaded Afghanistan in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks and are still hunkered down in the mother of all quagmires facing another humiliating defeat in spite of spending at least 10,00 percent more than the Taliban. If they quit they will invariably face the wrath of Republicans, if they stay more Afghans and Americans will surely die. Meanwhile prisoners languish at GITMO without trial, brutally tortured in black sites, victims of Bush-Cheney’s war of terror. Each prisoner costs the US taxpayer $13million each year. Why? Because America never admits it’s appalling mistakes.

Buoyed by his “success” invading Afghanistan the Cheney-Bush duo invaded Iraq accusing Saddam Hussein of hiding weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Saddam’s elite guard were dismissed without pay and seething with anger coalesced and formed ISIS. Well done George and Dick! In a perfect world you would be charged with war cries. Meanwhile the US military and the CIA continue to be rewarded with obscene budget increases. They now swallow 64.5 percent of discretionary spending! A new cold war is rapidly emerging with China and Russia which will be used to justify $trillions more $’s being squandered. Meanwhile, cyber-attacks have caught America totally unprepared and will take months and $billions to recover.

Defense contractors will continue to manufacture their killing machines and through their armies of lobbyists in Congress will ensure sales to despotic regimes like the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt will continue. The spiritual law of karma is rapidly descending on America. Democracy is under great threat and mass killing continues to be hostage to the archaic Second Amendment.

Christians have long abandoned their savior and replaced him with the new messiah, Donald Trump who still continues to snarl and growl, even in defeat. Good Samaritan Acts of kindness such as handing water and food to voters standing in line are outlawed in states like Georgia. America has long lost its moral compass and is rapidly descending into darkness.