Public Comment


Monday April 19, 2021 - 12:17:00 PM

George W. Bush, the “decider” as he loved to call himself, and his side-kick, Dick Cheney, made a monumental blunder invading Afghanistan in 2001. Both were “green” to the horrors of war, Cheney received 5 deferments and escaped the Vietnam draft and George W was MIA in the National Guard, protected by Papa Bush. 

The War in Afghanistan has killed or wounded tens of thousands of Afghan civilians excluding the large numbers of victims killed in errant drone strikes launched during the Obama administration. Over 2,300 U.S. service members and hundreds of NATO soldiers have perished costing the U.S. trillions of dollars. Taliban said it would boycott the talks because Biden is going back on a deal made by President Trump to have all U.S. troops out by May 1. Doesn’t America ever keep its promises or does the US regard treaties worthless pieces of paper? 

The Biden admiration is dealing with a weak hand. The Taliban have dealt America another humiliating defeat. Postponing the withdrawal date will only put more soldiers and Afghans lives at risk. Afghan American scholar Zaher Wahab says “The United States and its allies should never have attacked and occupied Afghanistan. “It was wrong. It and totally illegal and immoral. Much like former Soviet invading force, the US violated the sanctity of a sovereign country.” Wahab’s view is shared by Matthew Hoh, senior fellow with the Center for International Policy, who in 2009 resigned from the State Department in protest of the escalation of the war in Afghanistan. 

“The invasion and occupation and the bloodshed have destroyed the country, its economy, its institutions, its infrastructure, its education, its way of life, relationships among the different ethnic groups. This occupation has been nothing short of a catastrophe”. 

The cruel irony is Osama bin Laden was no friend of the moderate Taliban and they were willing to hand him over their unwanted guest to the Americans without a shot being fired. 

British prime minister, Tony Blair willingly joined forces hoping to bring back memories of the “glorious British empire.” Following a backlash back home, the nimble Blair retreated to became a high priced consultant. More tragic misadventures followed in Iraq and Libya. No American politicians has paid the price for the appalling loss of human life. America and its allies continue to use the same strategy fighting wars expecting different outcomes – the definition of insanity! Even as the Biden administration has committed to ending the “forever war” in Afghanistan he has promised to increase the Pentagon budget! More insanity! 

Jagjit Singh