The Editor's Back Fence

What are we doing and why?

Becky O'Malley
Saturday August 28, 2021 - 02:21:00 PM

Readers might wonder why the organization of the Planet’s front page has been looking different somehow lately. The answer is that I’ve decided to try to free myself from the tyranny of the deadline. As you might or might not know, I’m working with legacy software which is now more than two decades old, designed for a publication that was originally in print but never actually daily. The name is cute, really cuter than my own taste, but we own the URL, and we have something like a thousand subscribers, the grandiose name for people who like to get emails with a list of links instead of looking at the front page, so we’ll keep it for now. That’s the editorial “we” by the way, since everything you see has been donated by the authors. I handle the editorial duties and Mike O’Malley provides tech consultation and processes the graphics. We have almost all opinion, not “news” in the traditional impartial fact-checked sense, though if something seems dubious to me I just don’t post it. We welcome submissions as Word documents which are best for conversion to our format. These days if you look at the front page you’ll see “Editorial”, “Columns”, “Arts and Events”, “Extra” and “Obituaries” as categories. Articles will be posted as they come in, and these letters to subscribers will be sent from time to time, approximately randomly until further notice.