
Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan could help him politically in the long run

Jack Bragen
Friday September 03, 2021 - 08:34:00 PM

President Joe Biden has shown more political courage and backbone than some previous Presidents have, in that he's had the guts to do the right thing in Afghanistan. We don't belong there. The war has cost billions of dollars and countless lives of American soldiers. Our presence there hasn't served U.S. interests. It began because George W. Bush wanted to go after Saddam Hussein. He used the attack on the twin towers as a justification for this aggression. A fiction was created that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. 

If you have experienced a bad relationship in your life with a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, you should know that getting out of such relationship is very messy and very difficult. But you have to get out, because living without end under those conditions will ruin your life. 

Getting out of an unwelcome occupation of a country that deserves to be sovereign is analogous. 

A conservative said to me, at a time when Bush was getting ready to bring the U.S. into Afghanistan, that we could "install a government." The underlying assumption is that the people of a country other than the U.S. will cooperate with that, because only the U.S. has an extreme level of patriotism. There are countries in which citizens might want things to change. However, the people in most countries probably perceive an external, invading force as criminal. 

The U.S. will benefit economically because of not paying for this costly war. The U.S. will gain more friends internationally. Conditions for Americans will be better as a result of us not being in endless war. 

In the short term, Biden is getting raked over the coals by the mass news media. However, if Biden perseveres and ignores this sensationalism, and if he moves forward in his agenda to make things better for Americans, he will be reelected--and we may see the Democrats do well in the midterm elections. 

Let's not forget that Trump wanted to bring the U.S. out also, and might have done that, (God forbid) he'd won a second term. 

At the very least, Biden will be on the correct side of history.