
Climate Emergency: Council Openly Declares “We Don’t Care”

Thomas Lord
Friday November 05, 2021 - 04:28:00 PM

Every high school student and every adult needs to understand two facts: 

  1. At the United Nations Conference Parties, meeting 26, in Glasgow which is going on right now, and which is widely reported, the scientists have confirmed what we already know, namely this:
Right now, on an immediate emergency basis, very large, annual, reductions of fossil fuel burning are necessary, even though this will be highly disruptive. There is no other choice. 

  1. On Thursday, November 4, 2021, the majority of City Council members affirmed that they do not consider the climate emergency to be among even their top 5 priorities.
Some bonus facts: 

  1. On November 3, NASA announced its projection that because no action is being taken to address the climate emergency seriously, significant reductions in crop yields in the United States and globally are imminent. Corn yields may fall by as much as 24% in only 8 years from today, likely triggering food security problems globally.
  2. Excluding from an emissions inventory accounting trick that did not actually reduce emissions, the City of Berkeley has never taken any action to reduce emissions as needed, although Council Members regularly spread lies to the contrary.