Home & Garden Columns

Quake Tip of the Week

By Larry Guillot
Friday September 29, 2006

Do You Know Your Elderly Neighbors? 


Developing an emergency after-quake plan with your neighbors is a great idea, and we’ll talk about it in a later QuakeTip. With our elderly neighbors, we especially want to know who: 

1. is mobility impaired 

2. cannot operate their gas shut-off if necessary 

3. has an emergency supply kit 

4. has relatives/friends they can go to if necessary  

After the coming serious quake, we will feel so much better if we have this information before hand, plus we may be able to help someone who will truly be helpless without us. 



Larry Guillot is the owner of QuakePrepare, an earthquake consulting, securing and kit supply service. Contact him at 558-3299 or see www.quakeprepare.com to receive semi-monthly e-mails and safety reports.